Specialty Chemicals
Committed to advancing the development and manufacturing of cutting-edge, environmentally friendly, and low-hazard chemical systems. Alexander Chemical strives to deliver transformative products that not only excel in performance but also yield a positive impact across various industries and applications with an emphasis on innovation and sustainability.
Our Specialty Chemical portfolio is made up of eco-friendly technologies that are globally distributed to industrial operators, product manufacturers, and institutions spanning diverse segments. These products are specifically designed to replace hazardous commodity chemicals prevalent in Energy and Petroleum, HI&I, Food and Beverage, Marine and Transportation, Water Treatment, and Construction and coating industries, and outperform traditional alternatives while prioritizing safety and environmental responsibility.
Featured Products
ACLP Barium-40
ACLP Barium-40 is a proprietary, broad-range, heavy-duty descaler that effectively dissolves strontium, barium and calcium sulfate scale including NORM (naturally occurring radioactive material). This high-performance product is designed to efficiently remove sulfate scale and has the unique ability to dissolve extremely high amounts of barium sulfate.
ACLP ACID-15 SS is a strong Ion Acid System that in concentrate has similar solubilizing abilities as 15% HCI. Enabling operators to spot acid with perforating bottom hole assemblies (BHA’s), saving substantial amounts of water, and time in hydraulic fracturing operations.
ACLP ACID-15L provides a highly effective solution for stimulation or workover treatments with optimal acid flux and wormholing performance for superior formation penetration at lower injection rates.
Concrete Truck Wash
A highly effective, ready-to-use concrete cleaner. Powered by proprietary Ion Acid™ technology, this eco-friendly product delivers superior performance while displacing weak organic or harsh mineral acid cleaners with a safe and effective alternative.
ACLP ACID-21 is a proprietary, eco-friendly organic acid product that minimizes the hazardous exposure levels, corrosion rates, and negative HSE properties of hydrochloric acid (HCl) while maintaining the positive aspects of solubilizing ability and reactivity rates. ACLP ACID-21 is a strong, halogen-free organic acid that in concentrate has similar solubilizing abilities as 20% HCl and can be enhanced through the addition of conventional industrial chemistry.
ACLP ACID-15 is part of the proprietary, eco-friendly Ion Acid™ product portfolio that minimizes the hazardous exposure levels, corrosion rates and negative HSE properties of hydrochloric acid (HCl), while maintaining the positive aspects of solubilizing ability and reactivity rates. ACLP ACID-15 is a strong acid system that in concentrate has similar solubilizing abilities as 15% HCl and can be enhanced through the addition of conventional industrial chemistry.
ACLP ACID-15 NH has all the advantages of a regular ACLP ACID-15 with the additional benefit of being able to lift hydrocarbons from the mineral surface to enable improved access for the acid. ACLP ACID-15 NH is a strong modified acid that in concentrate has similar solubilizing abilities as 15% HCl.
Coupled with ACLP ACID, the hydrofluoric acid (HF) can be generated directly at the wellhead and yields a high-performance mud acid system. Unlike traditional mud acid, un-activated ACLP HF ACID Mud Acid is dermally non-toxic and non-corrosive, providing a high level of safety to people and the environment.