Commodity Chemicals
Discover a diverse array of commodity chemicals tailored to your requirements through Alexander Chemical. Our global industry expertise ensures innovative and cost-effective solutions, addressing your challenges with precision and cost-effective solutions. No matter your volumes, jurisdiction, or challenges we are here to meet your needs. Our full operational and laboratory support infrastructure will ensure your operations are optimized.
Specialty Chemicals & Fuels
Scale dissolver, corrosion inhibitors, surfactants
Stimulation modified acid packages, modified spearhead acid systems
Industrial and pleasure craft marine
Concrete Truck Wash systems
Coast-to-coast supply of diesel, gasoline and marine fuels
Our Partners
Alexander Chemical and Brenntag Canada have forged a cooperative sales and distribution partnership that extends throughout North America. This partnership aims to broaden opportunities for the industry to aid in economic reconciliation and to amplify social and economic advantages for Alexander First Nation.
Commodity Chemicals
Acids (HCl, Citric, Oxalic, Phosphoric, Sulphamic, Sulphuric)
Flocculants / Polymers / Fluoridation / Foam Controls
Ion exchange resins / pH control products / Pool Chemicals
Hydrogen Peroxide
Methanol / Ethanol (including USP grade)
Salts / Lime / Soda Ash
Life Sciences
Gel & Liquid Sanitizers
Surface Disinfectants
Surface Cleaners
Alexander Chemical
At Alexander Chemical, we offer a broad spectrum of services that extend beyond our core commodity chemical solutions to fully support your supply chain and operational needs. Our operations adhere to stringent safety protocols, certified by the Public Health Agency of Canada for pathogen and toxin handling, representing our dedication to upholding the highest standards of compliance and excellence in every aspect of our services.
Our Comprehensive Offerings Include:
Fuel supply services / last mile, tank-bulk storage offerings
Inter-Company Trading services
Bulk, Drum, IBC chemical packaging & storage (including dangerous goods storage)
Rail offloading/packaging services/distribution
Global supply of specialty and commodity chemicals
Research & Development –Lab Services including corrosion testing, oil compatibilities, scale testing
RFP Partnership and support services
Statistical Sampling –ANSI / KGK Science -Serious Adverse Event Reporting with full pharmacovigilance support
Statistical Sampling–ANSI / KGK Science -Serious Adverse Event Reporting with full pharmacovigilance support
GC-FID, GC-MS Density Meter, Digital Refractometer, Digital Viscosimeter, FT-IR, UV-Vis
DicentraGMP Training, eQMSMastercontrol
Public Health Agency of Canada Pathogen and Toxin Site License